We travelled to the other side of the world to compete in Midwest Regional in Chicago. Our team showed an amazing performance both in mechanical workmanship and with our impact, we won an Engineering Inspiration Award sponsored by NASA itself!
All the experiences which we gained in Houston, taught us a lot. Our journey to Huston brought us the Sustainability award, which was the only championship award to set foot on our mother land this year. : ) We will continue our hard work with the big motivation of this adventure!
FIRST World Championship'23
FIRST World Championship took place at 19-22th April, in George R. Brown Convention Center.We met with new teams which means new friends. That was not just a contribution about FIRST, in our social lifes too, it has a lot of benefits.
We won Team Sustainaibility Award. This award celebrates and recognizes a team which has developed a sustainable program in order to define, manage, and achieve the team’s ongoing objectives. With the presences of teams that we created, we deserved this award. Of course the help of our teamembers and mentors motivated us a lot but without belief of our sponsors, we can not have this success. The founder of Dekup Robotics which is our biggest supporter, Can Ustunalp cam there to support and wish us him wishes. All this adventure is a big source of motivation for us to continue our hard work !